Archive for the Public Relations Category

We’re Moving!

Posted in Advertising, Advertising and Marketing Consultants, Branding, Company News, Internet Marketing, Los Angeles, Marketing, Public Relations, Quick Tips, Social Media on September 7, 2010 by 360creativeinc

I would like to thank all the readers that have followed our blog so far. I just want to let you know that we are moving!

Please follow the link to our new site!

The Times They are A-Changing

Posted in Advertising, Advertising and Marketing Consultants, Branding, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media on September 3, 2010 by 360creativeinc

The world of advertising and marketing has fundamentally changed in the last five years. With the marketing effort now being focused more on the internet and social media the world of marketing and advertising looks very different than it did a few years ago.

Because of the focus on internet, social media and word of mouth marketing power has shifted from brand owners to consumers. Marketing campaigns have to engage consumers, who will use their word of mouth to spread the messages rather than using the more traditional forms of media which are often more one-way conversations. This has its pros and cons; consumers have the power to spread good or bad messages about your brand and because their messages are often based off experience these messages hold more weight than any traditional marketing campaign ever could.

These are the times where marketers will have to surrender their brand to the consumer. Well not really… but rather than controlling the entire message we as marketers have to learn how to guide the message. We are the moderators in the world brand debate. We have to earn how to encourage the good stuff being said and how to do damage control when the bad stuff is said. And while customers may vent their frustrations online, people are also often saying great things about brands and telling others about their great experiences. As consumers and participants in the world market we need to realize the power that is held by people to spread messages across cities and across the globe.

What next in line for marketing. Well there have been new applications popping up for marketers interesting in the advanced global positioning software, think if you were to walk into a store and your phone automatically sent you coupons for the store you walk in. There are also new changes to social media everyday. So what do you think will be the next big thing in marketing?

Happy Beverly Hills Day!

Posted in Advertising, Advertising and Marketing Consultants, Branding, Company News, Internet Marketing, Los Angeles, Marketing, Public Relations, Quick Tips, Social Media on September 2, 2010 by 360creativeinc

Today is September 2, 10 or 90210. Beverly Hills has been a great home to us here at 360 Creative, Inc. The city is booming with commerce and the architecture and weather are beautiful. As a place of business we chose Beverly Hills because of its rich history and the city’s self branding. Beverly Hills is known throughout the world as one of the most wealthy and beautiful places in the world and their status as the “Golden Triangle” certainly is no mistake. The thought of the city conjures up images of golden signs, brick sidewalks and high-end stores such as Prada or St. John. So today we celebrate Beverly Hills, a beautiful city and home to 360 Creative, Inc.

We are happy to be located in Beverly Hills on Wilshire Boulevard. Call us to learn about the marketing, advertising and design services we offer. 310.461.3519

Links to the city:

Get Linked-In to Groups

Posted in Advertising and Marketing Consultants, Branding, Company News, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media on August 25, 2010 by 360creativeinc

360 Creative, Inc. has a Linked In group dedicated to making your business shine. We post marketing tips and tricks as well links to top marketing professionals blog, videos and insights. To join our group on Linked In follow this link If you have a group or you are part of a group on Linked In please share it with us in the comments!

Marketing for Financial Institutions

Posted in Advertising, Advertising and Marketing Consultants, Marketing, Public Relations on July 22, 2010 by 360creativeinc

There has been a shift in the way banks are marketing to consumers. The focus has been turned to retaining customers in light of the economic downturn. With new legislation being passed in Congress to regulate these institutions people are increasingly becoming less trusting of the banking industry. So what can banks do in order to keep their customers feeling confident?

Creating new marketing that mixes customer service strategy within marketing strategy. In a survey 88% of marketers for banks report that they integrate marketing and customer service strategy, however only 27% say that the bank communicates these strategies to the customer service teams. Banking begins with customer experience, the people who make the decisions within a banking structure are rarely the first people a customer meets in their banking experience. The tellers and personal bankers make a huge impact on the customer’s overall satisfaction with their banking experience. Marketing must begin at the top and end with the people consumers come in contact with first.

This gap in the marketer’s vision and what customer service representatives deliver is the downfall of current bank marketing solutions. Having tools that help representatives ensure that customer’s are receiving the service they need and the correspondence to keep them at the banking facility.

Retail banks not only need to further integrate marketing with customer service, but also ensure that the service teams have the tools necessary to provide excellent marketing correspondence. Creating this integrated customer service and marketing can start with simple correspondence between customer service representatives and marketers. Creating a program between customer interaction and subsequent e-mail marketing or advertising efforts will personalize customer experiences and create a feeling of comfort that is hard to find in today’s economic market. These steps will help to continue acquiring new customers while retaining current customers.